Digital Art Club

Organizing your own art show is an wonderful way to learn the art marketing ropes—and it may be easier than you think. Here are some tips to help your show go smoothly: Think of a theme to tie the whole show together. Join a student art club today. Learn about the American Institute of Graphic Design (AIGA) chapter, Zeta Chi International Honorary Art Fraternity, & Photography Club. Happy halloween from @psychoartistunited @digital-art-club @supernatural-art @all-artists @highqualityart Hope your nightmares came to life last night, StarsColdNight. StarsColdNight 7 4. Current Photomanipulation Contests. This list is frequently updated. Please continue to visit it to see current contests. Make your mark as an animator, designer, or digital artist in a field where the founders of Pixar got their start. Renowned for professionalism, digital innovation, and serious fun, digital artworks can be achieved through various mediums such as computer graphics, animation, graphic design, and art and technology. About the Series/Speaker This online workshop is open to participants aged 13 years and above. It is a repeated monthly session, conducted by volunteer facilitator Mr Ivan Chew from Yishun Public Library's Digital Art Club. Online Programme/Event Administrative Information.

A virtual-reality gallery displaying expressionist paintings by Carlos Monteiro. Gigoia Studios / YouTube

Digital art club

7 to xp packhome. During the nearly-unprecedented catastrophe that is the spread of the coronavirus, it’s important to make peace with the fact that the forthcoming weeks are going to be completely unpredictable. For art-lovers, artists, gallery workers and museum executives alike, this is a bad situation. Recently, Observer published a comprehensive guide to a series of thrilling museum exhibitions to check out this spring, but it’s becoming increasingly evident that IRL museum visits may not be possible anytime soon. With this in mind, we dug up some of the great virtual exhibitions you can check out from home: all you need to lose yourself in art is access to the internet.


Digital Art Club Ideas

The New Museum’s ‘First Look: New Art Online’ Series

Since 2013, the New Museum in Manhattan has been running “First Look: New Art Online,” a monthly exhibition series through which new digital artwork is commissioned from exciting artists and presented on the museum’s website. There’s a ton of interesting stuff in First Look’s backlog, but the most recent addition, a browser-based game/art installation created by the artist Cassie McQuater, provides a perfect cocktail of intellectually stimulating diversion. McQuater’s Black Room functions as an eerie, trancelike journey through increasingly menacing dreamscapes.

Digital Art Beta Club

A Virtual Tour of the Frick Collection


If you’re looking for a more classically soothing experience, the Frick Collection’s website includes a virtual tour of the entire museum, as well as comprehensive access to the collection’s complete audio guide. Sure, podcasts are calming in times of crisis, but wouldn’t you rather hear the history of Vermeer’s astonishing Officer and Laughing Girl being read to you by someone with an authoritative British accent?


Those searching for a distinctively realistic virtual experience should look no further than, where an excellent 3-D tour of Daniel Crews-Chubb’s “Cave Continuum,” which has been on display at Timothy Taylor gallery in New York City since February 7, can be found. Via VR technology, Crews-Chubb’s fascinating paintings of abstract figures in animalistic distress can be examined from different angles and zoomed in on. Sure, it’s not the same thing as standing in a gallery space in the afternoon while enjoying the warmth of the sun playing over your face, but it’s pretty close.

Kunstmatrix’s 3-D Exhibitions

Kunstmatrix, an online platform that enables artists to showcase their work for audiences all over the world in 3-D is the perfect platform for this series of acrylics on canvas made by Yulia Kazakova, an award-winning visual artist who’s based in Berlin. Her work is extraordinarily intricate, mechanical and it also conjures a sense of the infinite: long tunnels give way to dizzying voids, workers the size of ants toil in the shadows of enormous machines and tunnels veer terrifyingly out of the spectator’s view.

The Kremer Museum

Conceived of in 2017 by Sotheby’s and Studio Libeskind, the Kremer Museum is not a physically accessible, brick-and-mortar place but rather a museum that exists solely in the realm of virtual reality. Without having to reckon with annoyances such as capacity regulations or plumbing, the museum instead seeks to be the perfect backdrop for its works of art, which include pieces by Jan van Bijlert, Ferdinand Bol and other Dutch and Flemish masters of the craft. 15000 shop coins and dn weapons + vip tag blasters. Access to this unique museum can be purchased on VR platforms like Steam for only $9.99.

Digital Art Drawing Club

The MIT Art Club is a group created to promote the appreciation and practice of visual arts at MIT. The club is an outlet for students and other members of the MIT community to express their creativity with others who share this interest.

Key Digital Art & Design Club

Meeting for two hours once a week, members come to draw, paint, and more, often collaborating on art pieces. The club also organizes trips to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts and other exhibitions throughout Boston. Whether you have an expansive portfolio of work, or want to try your hand at visual arts for the first time, the MIT Art Club is open to people of all levels and fields of visual art.