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The 15th International Forum «Engineering Systems», organized by TESIS company, was held on April 11-12, 2017 in the Moscow City business center. The Forum included three conferences:

  • Computational fluid dynamics (CFD): FlowVision users’ meeting
  • Finite element analysis (FEA): SIMULIA Abaqus Users’ meeting
  • Conference «Modeling of metal forming and heat treatment processes in DEFORM and JMatPro»

At the FlowVision users’ meeting International exchange of experience at the forum

The design engineer works closely with the manufacturing engineer throughout the product life cycle. The design process is an information intensive one, and design engineers have been found to spend 56% of their time engaged in various information behaviours, including 14% actively searching for information. Forum Energy Technologies Divests ABZ and Quadrant Valve Brands. HOUSTON -(BUSINESS WIRE)-Jan. 4, 2021- Forum Energy Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: FET) today announced that on December 31, 2020 it completed the sale of assets associated with its ABZ and Quadrant valve brands to Anvil and Smith-Cooper International. Neil Cichy, P.E. June 2017 Page 3 of 4 HVE 3D Simulation Software Forum, Engineering Dynamics Corporation New Orleans, Louisiana, 2012 Side Impact Occupant Safety, Society of Automotive Engineers. The 15th International Forum «Engineering Systems», organized by TESIS company, was held on April 11-12, 2017 in the Moscow City business center.

Representatives of the largest manufacturers of Russia shared their experience of using CAE-tools in the design of products, assemblies and units. Participation in the forum was made by RSC Energia, OKBM Afrikantov, KAMAZ, TMKB Soyuz, JSC Titan-Barrikady, CDB WT Rubin and others.

American government 11th edition pdf. In addition to Russian experts, the forum was attended by representatives of Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belgium, Turkey, Korea and Taiwan. In particular, M.F. Sung from KENDA RUBBER Ind. presented a report on the use of FlowVision in the tire industry, and Cloud Yu from Samwell Testing Inc. shared an overview report on the application of FlowVision in the industry of China and Taiwan.

A full list of the reports of the past FlowVision users’ meeting can be found in the program of the event. Later main reports will be published as pdf-copies of presentations of participants. If you are interested in receiving a copy of the proceedings collection of the forum - please send us a request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Several photos from the forum «Engineering systems-2017» are presented below. More photos you can find in our groups in social networks:

  • (Eng)
  • (Eng)
  • (Tr)

Report of PJSC KAMAZ on simulation of lubricant circulation in gear box

At the SIMULIA Abaqus Users’ meeting

Discussion of immersion liquid cooling for servers by IMMERS

Visitors to the forum and the winner of the lottery during the evening reception

Welcome to Tech Design Forum, a trusted resource which gives hardware and software engineers the information and analysis they need to make the best technology decisions.Tech Design Forum is a predominantly online technical journal, supported by a strictly limited group of sponsors.

The editorial agenda is developed with readers and sponsors, so that it reflects key current engineering issues and the sponsors’ main messaging priorities.


Our approach

Forum Engineering Design Specialist Job

Curation is a powerful response to the increasing systemic complexity of chip design, which has made it more difficult for engineers to find the technical information they need to do their jobs and for vendors to reach those engineers with their messages. The new approach to Tech Design Forum will help tame the system for both engineers and vendors.

Busy engineers face the ‘tyranny of choice’ created by search engines, which make it easy to find lots of information related to a topic, but hard to find the right information. Using the curation approach, Tech Design Forum will be restructured around framing articles that set key design issues in context and direct engineers to carefully chosen supporting material, held in a themed repository, which provides detailed insights about those issues.

One of the most valuable things about this curated approach is that the framing content will evolve as the design issues evolve, so they will always be relevant. We’ll also be able to bring insights from the leading edge of chip design to engineers working on mainstream processes, ensuring that they know how these tools and techniques could help them get to market more quickly and efficiently.

Another benefit of the curated approach is that we’ll be taking a systemic view of chip design, reflecting its increasingly multidisciplinary nature and the growing importance of the technical and commercial partnerships that enable efficient design flows from idea to finished systems.

Software Engineering Specialist

The Curation Company

Forum Engineering Design Specialists

The Curation Company has been formed to help overcome the ‘tyranny of choice’ faced by technical audiences trying to access relevant information. Using a combination of market and technical insight, The Curation Company aims to streamline the flow of relevant information from sponsors to readers, especially in complex, multidisciplinary and increasingly collaborative disciplines.

Engineering Specialists Inc

The Curation Company’s first target market is electronics design, which it is addressing through a licensing deal for the Tech Design Forum media brand.

Forum Engineering Design Specialist Resume

The Curation Company is led by three experienced journalists who together have more than 60 years’ experience of understanding technical markets, assessing reader priorities and presenting complex information in an accessible way.