Hello Families! I hope everyone had a good three-day weekend! Now it’s back to business.
Going into the 4th week of school, we have completed all four Galileo exams. This quarter’s tests were a little different from the tests of years past. This year, our first test was half 6th grade information (making sure we remember everything we need to, to have a successful year in 7th grade), and half 7th grade information (a preview of what will be covered this year). I discussed this fact with every class. It needs to be understood that the 2nd quarter test in October/November WILL be harder, because it will be all 7th grade information instead of half-and-half. However, they will have learned more of the 7th grade material by then, so I still expect their scores to improve. Your student is aware of their math score – make sure to ask them about it, and help them brainstorm ways to study and improve.
Unit 4: Solving Multi-Step Equations (SOL 8.15a,c) File Size: 193 kb: File Type: pdf. Course outline: Math 7 & Advanced Math 7 Welcome to our class website! Familiarize yourself with the menu, where you can access lesson help, quizzes and tests, and about the instructor and contact.

The way Eureka Math is set up, each chapter – or Module – has two tests: a Mid-Module Assessment, which falls about halfway through the unit, and an End-of-Module Assessment, at the end of the unit. This Thursday’s Mid-Module Assessment will cover lessons 1 through 10. Lessons 9 and 10 will be taught Tuesday and Wednesday, the test will be given Thursday, and we will spend Friday discussing and reviewing what we missed on the test.
- Math 7 Accelerated. This website is designed as a resource for students and parents at Edison Computech. Please click on the link that corresponds with the class in which you, or your student, is enrolled. All material and information is generated for educational purposes. Please notify your teacher if any information is.
- Math 7 Curriculum Guide. Math 7 Curriculum Guide. Chapter 2 Integers. Chapter 2 Student Packet. 2-0 Review and introduction to new vocabulary.
- 7th Grade Math Page. Lessons 1-10; Lessons 11-20; Lessons 31-40; 7th Grade Math Page. E-Learning Assignments and Activities.
Math Welcome
I am hoping to get class progress reports out by Thursday. This will give students an opportunity to see what they are missing as far as homework, and make up the missing assignments as soon as possible. A reminder: While I do not assess a late penalty to homework, I do expect it to be turned in every day, the day after it is assigned. Students who are absent are responsible for getting missed homework out of the basket in the back of the room.
Our End-of-Module Assessment is tentatively scheduled for September 25, and will cover lessons 1 through 22.
Finally – School News and Important Dates!
Math 7 Welcome Words
Last week, 7th and 8th grade girls won their games at 4th Avenue – 7th graders by forfeit! Boys’ wrestling worked hard at their meet, but lost overall.
Our next games are Wednesday 9/4 at Ron Watson, and Thursday 9/5 at home against Castle Dome. Come out and show your Monsters support!
This Friday (September 6) is Picture Day! Order forms were passed out in homeroom last week. Payment is required at the time pictures are taken, though all students will get a picture for the yearbook. Students **ARE** allowed to wear Spirit shirts for picture day, as it occurs on a Friday.
September 9 will be the kickoff for our school fundraiser. Students will attend an assembly for more information and order packets.
September 10 will be the first day for our 21st Century Before/After School Extended Day program. Applications will be distributed beginning this week.
Math 7 Welcome Book
On September 12, official school progress reports will be issued by homeroom teachers. Please take time to review your student’s grades. Teachers will host conferences in the cafeteria on September 17 (1:30-3:30) and 18 (1:30-3:30 and 5:00-6:30). There will be early dismissal (1:20) on the 17th and 18th!
September 19 is our first Movie Night! Student Council will be showing Epic at 7:00. Remember that students must attend school the day of Movie Night and have no behavioral or discipline issues to receive the permission slip to attend.
AVID families, there is an informational parent meeting for you to attend prior to Movie Night, at 6:00 in the Library.
Wow, and that’s only part of September! For a complete list of dates (including additional athletic information) and an archive of newsletters, check out the Upcoming Events page!
Have a fantastic day!
Ms. Klupacs
If you need assistance with meals during this time away, please click on the “Food Assistance” link at the top of this blog.
Good news!! Check out these great things happening at Floyd!!
Floyd Chorus Sings @ Atlanta Hawks Game
Floyd Art Showcase – Video Tour
Floyd’s Gym to Be Named in Memory of Mr. Glenn Evans (Video created by Ms. Chaney)
Welcome to Floyd Middle School’s Math 7 Blog! Please use this as a guideline to stay connected with what we’re doing in class. Remember, if you’d like a more prompt response, please email your math teacher directly: Sara.Folk@cobbk12.org, Lyric.Maze@cobbk12.org, Janel.Poole@cobbk12.org, Bernard.cureton@cobbk12.org.