Teleportation Items

It’s time to discover teleportation spells and have some fun while you are at it. Learn how to teleport for real and see the endless possibilities. Of course, if you are an avid reader of this website and the content we provide, you probably know by now that we often refer to both real spells and games of spells. Teleportation is tactically useful for moving party members away from danger and enemies towards it. Teleporting enemies into deathfog or lava is a great, but cheesy, way to instantly kill them. Outside of combat, it can be used to move unreachable objects within range or teleport.

  1. Wow Classic Teleportation Items
  2. Teleportation Items In Terraria
  3. Teleportation Items Dnd
  4. Teleportation Items Osrs
  5. Teleportation Items Terraria
  6. Pathfinder Teleportation Items

TELEPORTATION Also referred to as telekinesis, teleportation is the movement of objects or people across a distance without you yourself moving through the intervening space; it is a form of psychokinesis. The term also refers to the passage of solid objects through matter by dematerialization and materialization. Also known as the ‘apport phenomenon’, teleportation has allegedly been studied by the United States and Russian governments for its potential use in times of war and for espionage.

A whole generation of Star Trek fans has grown up familiar with the idea of teleportation, when crew members routinely teleported from spaceship to planet using a high technology transporter. This sounds improbable but there are some indications that suggest that teleportation may actually be possible. For example, a remarkable example of teleportation was reported in 1815 at a Prussian prison in Weichselmude when a chained prisoner, called Diderici, simply vanished before the eyes of fellow inmates and warders. He was never seen again.

Teleportation is allegedly accomplished by an adept who combines breathing exercises and intense concentration with manipulation of universal energy forces. It was a common occurrence of Victorian Spiritualism. The séance-room phenomena included apports in which small items such as flowers or jewellery allegedly materialized in thin air.

Investigation suggested that these items were not created by spirits but somehow taken from other locations and transported to the séance room. Teleportation also appears to be a common phenomenon in reported cases of poltergeist activity, where objects move to distant locations or materialize from nowhere.


The Element Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Hauntings: The Complete A–Z for the Entire Magical World: The Ultimate A-Z of Spirits, Mysteries and the Paranormal by Theresa Cheung

To read more about Teleportation click on the next page

Wow Classic Teleportation Items

< Commands
  • /tp
First introduced

Bedrock Edition 1.10
PE Alpha 0.16.0 (PE Alpha 0.16.0 build 1)

This article is about the command in the current version. For the command in other game versions, see Commands/tp.

Teleports entities (players, mobs, etc.).

Although most commands can affect only chunks that have already been generated, /teleport can send entities into chunks that have yet to be generated. If this happens to a player, then the chunks around and including that player's destination are newly generated.

Teleportation items dnd


  • Java Edition
teleport <destination>
teleport <location>
teleport <targets> <destination>
teleport <targets> <location> [<rotation>]
teleport <targets> <location> facing <facingLocation>
teleport <targets> <location> facing entity <facingEntity> [<facingAnchor>]
  • Bedrock Edition
teleport <destination: x y z> [checkForBlocks: Boolean]
teleport <destination: x y z> [yRot: value] [xRot: value] [checkForBlocks: Boolean]
teleport <destination: x y z> facing <lookAtPosition: x y z> [checkForBlocks: Boolean]
teleport <destination: x y z> facing <lookAtEntity: target> [checkForBlocks: Boolean]
teleport <victim: target> <destination: x y z> [yRot: value] [xRot: value] [checkForBlocks: Boolean]
teleport <victim: target> <destination: x y z> facing <lookAtPosition: x y z> [checkForBlocks: Boolean]
teleport <victim: target> <destination: x y z> facing <lookAtEntity: target> [checkForBlocks: Boolean]
teleport <destination: target> [checkForBlocks: Boolean]
teleport <victim: target> <destination: target> [checkForBlocks: Boolean]


JE: <targets>: entity
BE: victim: target: CommandSelector<Actor>

Must be a player name, a target selector or a UUID‌[Java Edition only].
Specifies the entity(s) to be teleported. If not specified, defaults to the command's executor.

JE: <location>: vec3
BE: destination: x y z: CommandPositionFloat

Teleportation Items In Terraria

Must be a three-dimensional coordinates with floating-point number elements. Accepts tilde and caret notations.
Specifies the coordinates to teleport the target(s) to.

JE: <destination>: entity
BE: destination: target: CommandSelector<Actor>

Must be a player name, a target selector or a UUID‌[Java Edition only]. In Java Edition, the target selector must be of single type.
Specifies the entity to teleport the target(s) to.

JE: <rotation>: rotationBE: yRot: value: RelativeFloat and <xRot: value>: RelativeFloat

Must be a rotation with double‌[JE only] or float‌[BE only] number elements, including yaw and pitch, measured in degrees.
  • For the horizontal rotation (yaw), -180.0 for due north, -90.0 for due east, 0.0 for due south, 90.0 for due west, to 179.9 for just west of due north, before wrapping back around to -180.0.
  • For the vertical rotation (pitch), -90.0 for straight up to 90.0 for straight down.
Tilde notation can be used to specify a rotation relative to the executor's rotation‌[JE only] or the target's previous rotation‌[BE only].
Specifies the rotation.

JE: <facingLocation>: vec3
BE: lookAtPosition: x y z: CommandPositionFloat

Specifies the coordinates to make the target(s) facing to.

JE: <facingEntity>: entity
BE: lookAtEntity: target: CommandSelector<Actor>

Must be a player name, a target selector or a UUID‌[Java Edition only].
Specifies the entity to make the target(s) facing to.

JE: <facingAnchor>: entity_anchor

Must be either eyes or feet.
Specifies whether the entity'eyes or feet to make the target(s) facing to. If not specified, defaults to eyes. In Bedrock Edition, always facing eyes.

Teleportation Items Dnd

BE: checkForBlocks: Boolean: bool

Must be a boolean (either true or false).
If set to true, teleports the target(s) only if the target(s) would not collide with a block it cannot be inside (Note: this allows teleporting into flowers as well as midair). If false or not specified, the default behavior applies (do no check; just teleport the target(s)).


CommandTriggerJava EditionBedrock Edition
anythe arguments are not specified correctly Unparseable Failed
if <targets> or player: target fails to resolve to one or more entities (named players must be online) Failed
if <destination>, <facingEntity>, destination: target, or lookAtEntity: target fails to resolve to a single entity (named player must be online)
if destinated position's <x> or <z> exceeds the range of [-30000000, 30000000), or <y> exceeds the range of [-20000000, 20000000) Successful
if checkForBlocks: Boolean is true and the specified position is obscured N/A Failed
On successTeleports the targets to the specified destination.


CommandEditionSituationSuccess Count/execute store success .../execute store result ...
anyJava EditionOn fail000
On success11the number of entities that are teleported
Bedrock EditionOn fail0N/AN/A
/teleport <destination: x y z> ...On success1N/AN/A
/teleport <victim: target> <destination: x y z> ...On successthe number of targeted victim entitiesN/AN/A
/teleport <destination: target> ...On success2N/AN/A
/teleport <victim: target> <destination: target> ...On successthe number of victims plus 1N/AN/A


  • To teleport yourself to Alice: teleport Alice
  • To teleport all players to yourself: teleport @a @s

Teleportation Items Osrs

  • To teleport yourself to x=100 and z=100, but three blocks above your current position: teleport 100 ~3 100
  • To rotate the nearest player 10 degrees to the right without changing their position:
    • execute @p ~ ~ ~ teleport @s ~ ~ ~ ~10 ~[Bedrock Edition only]
    • execute as @p at @s teleport @s ~ ~ ~ ~10 ~[Java Edition only]
  • In Java Edition, when used via the execute command, can teleport between the Overworld, the Nether and the End:
    • To teleport yourself to the same coordinates, but in the Nether: execute in minecraft:the_nether run teleport ~ ~ ~
    • To teleport all players to x=84 y=57 z=79 in the End: execute as @a in minecraft:the_end run teleport 84 57 79
    • To teleport Alice to x=251 y=64 z=-160 in the Overworld: execute as Alice in minecraft:overworld run teleport 251 64 -160


Teleportation Items Terraria

Java Edition
1.10pre1Added /teleport, which is like /tp, except that the target parameter is mandatory, the 'teleport to other player' usage is unavailable, and the use of relative coordinates is relative to the executor of the command, rather than relative to the target.
1.1317w45a/tp is no longer different from /teleport now, and become an alias of /teleport.
18w01aAdded facing to /teleport, which causes the target entity to face an entity or a location.
18w02a/teleport has been simplified a bit and players can now teleport to entities in other dimensions.
Pocket Edition Alpha
0.16.0build 1Added /teleport.
?Added facing mode.
Added checkForBlocks: Boolean.

Pathfinder Teleportation Items

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