The Book Of The Beerejected Scriptures

  • This book shows that many events typically regarded as secular-including the French Revolution, Marxism, Bolshevism, Nazism-not only contain key millennialist elements, but follow the apocalyptic.
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  • Flavius Iosephus. FLAVIVS IOSEPHVS. H E was of no mean parentage, Ruffi. Or De­scent; but of an ancient stock of the Priests: and of that Line which was the chiefe of the foure and twenty, and by his Mothers side was of the Bloud Royall, shee being of the Family of the Asamonaeans, who a long time not onely held the Priesthood of.

The Authentic - Why has Christianity Bee Rejected? Halo ce. - The Cry for Help I agree that there is a profound challenge for you and me to embrace a life rooted more fully in the example and teachings of Jesus Christ. Our siblings, parents, and children are sending us this message, as are our friends, neighbors, and colleagues.

Question: 'Who were the authors of the books of the Bible?'
Ultimately, above the human authors, the Bible was written by God. Second Timothy 3:16 tells us that the Bible was “breathed out” by God. God superintended the human authors of the Bible so that, while using their own writing styles and personalities, they still recorded exactly what God intended. The Bible was not dictated by God, but it was perfectly guided and entirely inspired by Him.
Humanly speaking, the Bible was written by approximately 40 men of diverse backgrounds over the course of 1500 years. Isaiah was a prophet, Ezra was a priest, Matthew was a tax-collector, John was a fisherman, Paul was a tentmaker, Moses was a shepherd, Luke was a physician. Despite being penned by different authors over 15 centuries, the Bible does not contradict itself and does not contain any errors. The authors all present different perspectives, but they all proclaim the same one true God, and the same one way of salvation—Jesus Christ (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). Few of the books of the Bible specifically name their author. Here are the books of the Bible along with the name of who is most assumed by biblical scholars to be the author, along with the approximate date of authorship:
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy = Moses - 1400 B.C.
Joshua = Joshua - 1350 B.C.
Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel = Samuel/Nathan/Gad - 1000 - 900 B.C.
1 Kings, 2 Kings = Jeremiah - 600 B.C.
1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah = Ezra - 450 B.C.
Esther = Mordecai - 400 B.C.
Job = Moses - 1400 B.C.

Scripture Book Of Life

Scripture book of life Psalms = several different authors, mostly David - 1000 - 400 B.C.
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon = Solomon - 900 B.C.
Isaiah = Isaiah - 700 B.C.
Jeremiah, Lamentations = Jeremiah - 600 B.C.
Ezekiel = Ezekiel - 550 B.C.
Daniel = Daniel - 550 B.C.
Hosea = Hosea - 750 B.C.
Joel = Joel - 850 B.C.
Amos = Amos - 750 B.C.
Obadiah = Obadiah - 600 B.C.
Jonah = Jonah - 700 B.C.
Micah = Micah - 700 B.C.
Nahum = Nahum - 650 B.C.
Habakkuk = Habakkuk - 600 B.C.
Zephaniah = Zephaniah - 650 B.C.
Haggai = Haggai - 520 B.C.
Zechariah = Zechariah - 500 B.C.
Malachi = Malachi - 430 B.C.
Matthew = Matthew - A.D. 55
Mark = John Mark - A.D. 50
Luke = Luke - A.D. 60

Search The Scriptures Book

John = John - A.D. 90
Acts = Luke - A.D. 65
Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon = Paul - A.D. 50-70
Hebrews = unknown, mostly likely Paul, Luke, Barnabas, or Apollos - A.D. 65
James = James - A.D. 45
1 Peter, 2 Peter = Peter - A.D. 60

The Book Of The Beerejected Scriptures King James Version

1 John, 2 John, 3 John = John - A.D. 90
Jude = Jude - A.D. 60
Revelation = John - A.D. 90
886. Beerothi -- inhab. of Beeroth
.. Beerothite. Word Origin from Beeroth Definition inhab. of Beeroth NASB Word
Usage Beerothite (4), Beerothites (1). Beerothite. Patrial ..
/hebrew/886.htm - 6k
Beerothites (1 Occurrence)
.. Multi-Version Concordance Beerothites (1 Occurrence). 2 Samuel 4:3 and the Beerothites
fled to Gittaim, and have lived as foreigners there until this day). ..
/b/beerothites.htm - 6k

Gittaim (2 Occurrences)
.. Easton's Bible Dictionary Two wine-presses, (2 Samuel 4:3; Nehemiah 11:33), a
town probably in Benjamin to which the Beerothites fled. Best batch files. Int. ..
/g/gittaim.htm - 7k

Beeroth (7 Occurrences)
.. in deceiving Israel, and in making a covenant with them (Joshua 9:3). Apparently
they were Hivites (Joshua 9:7). The occasion on which the Beerothites fled to ..
/b/beeroth.htm - 11k

Be-er'othites (1 Occurrence)
Be-er'othites. Beerothites, Be-er'othites. Beersheba . .. 2 Samuel 4:3 and the
Beerothites fled to Gittaim, and have lived as foreigners there until this day). ..
/b/be-er'othites.htm - 6k

Gitta'im (1 Occurrence)
.. Multi-Version Concordance Gitta'im (1 Occurrence). 2 Samuel 4:3 and the Beerothites
fled to Gittaim, and have been sojourners there until this day. (See RSV). ..
/g/gitta'im.htm - 6k

Rechab (13 Occurrences)
.. execution (2 Samuel 4:9-12), as in the case of the Amalekite, who asserted that
he had killed Saul (2 Samuel 1). For some reason the Beerothites left their own ..
/r/rechab.htm - 15k

Rechabites (4 Occurrences)
.. execution (2 Samuel 4:9-12), as in the case of the Amalekite, who asserted that
he had killed Saul (2 Samuel 1). For some reason the Beerothites left their own ..
/r/rechabites.htm - 13k

Be-er'othite (2 Occurrences)
Be-er'othite. Beerothite, Be-er'othite. Beerothites . Multi-Version Concordance ..
Beerothite, Be-er'othite. Beerothites . Reference Bible.
/b/be-er'othite.htm - 7k

Sojourners (37 Occurrences)
.. (ASV RSV). 2 Samuel 4:3 And the Beerothites fled to Gittaim, and were sojourners
there until this day.) (KJV JPS ASV DBY WBS YLT RSV). ..
/s/sojourners.htm - 18k

Foreigners (76 Occurrences)
.. DBY NAS RSV). 2 Samuel 4:3 and the Beerothites fled to Gittaim, and have
lived as foreigners there until this day). (WEB). 2 Samuel ..
/f/foreigners.htm - 29k

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