Warrior Pvp for All Of Yourneeds

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Warrior PvP Guide
US Forums:
World of Warcraft - English (NA) Forums -> Warrior PvP Guide [V.2/15/09]
  • The hidden matchmaking Rating has been implemented.

3.1 Announced Warrior Changes:
  • Blood Frenzy now causes 2/4% physical damage done.
  • Changing stances now has a much reduced cost: you lose a maximum of 20 rage (10 with Tactical Mastery). For example, if you have 100 rage and change stances, you will have 80 rage remaining. If you have 10 rage and change stances, all of your rage is lost. In addition, we may change the penalties associated with some stances.
  • Sunder Armor (and similar debuffs) now reduces armor by 4% per application, and is now a single rank. Creature armor has been globally reduced so that debuffed targets should take about the same damage from physical attacks that they did before this change. The net effect should be that this debuff is slightly less mandatory in PvE and is not disproportionately more powerful against cloth targets in PvP.
  • You now gain rage when damage done to you is absorbed, such as through a Power Word: Shield.
  • We are also adding increased damage to Arms, possibly through Overpower or Slam.
  • We are also looking at granting rage when the warrior blocks, dodges or parries.

Updated for:
Date: 2/8/09
Patch: 3.0.8
Season: 5
Contents Of This Guide:
  • General Advice
  • Specs
  • Arms Weapon Specs
  • Most Common Teams
  • Less Common Teams
  • Gear to aim for
  • Stats
  • Enchants
  • Gems
  • Glyphs
  • Choosing your Race
  • Choosing your Professions
  • Macros
  • Interface
  • Keybinds
  • Useful Links

If you see any missing info, let me know and I'll look into it. If you have anything that you think will improve the guide ( links etc.) please let me know. This guide is aimed toward new warriors or players that are just switching to PvP. This is not meant to be a guide for gladiators.General Advice
In this section I'm going to quote a few TBC Guide Authors. While their guides have gone out of date, their philosophies have not.
Kazaganthi wrote this. You can find his guide here: Steel and Fire- Kazaganthi's Guide to Arena
The single most important aspect of arena play is your teammates. You must always be aware of what is happening to them while you are dpsing. You must constantly watch everything that is happening; your head must be on a swivel so to speak. Protecting your teammates is your job in arena. This can mean hamstringing the rogue on your teammate, intercepting at a key time to allow a teammate to escape, or a well timed fear to save your allies. You also must make sure that you do not go out of line of sight of your healer.
Dreasus wrote this. You can find his guide here: Dreasus' Guide for PvP Warriors
Many say that Warriors are not balanced in PvP as it currently stands, while others are trying to prove them wrong with statistics ; the top-ranked Arena Teams with Warriors, and things like that. Personally I find it hard to comment such a thing, because every single thing is limited to you, to the way you think about things - just as in the real life, you might find a piece of paper useless, but there are some people who could use that to kill someone. As a fact, there are some features in World of Warcraft that I call 'game mechanics' what create limits to things, involving classes and their relationship to each other, but I pretend that there isn't any of these mechanics that ruins the PvP for any class. Everything depends on you, there for if you are not satisfied with any kind of performance you provide ingame, search the reasons in yourself.
Practice, Think, Learn. It's true of anything; if you pay attention to something, if you try to use your mind, if you try to understand it you'll have far better results than if you would do it brainless, without considering the circumstances. If you are about to maximize the performance-possibilities of your Warrior, it's not even close to enough if you play twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, because it will only pay itself if you think about the thing you do. Simple as that, you must know the reasons of every thing happens to you while you do PvP, if you invest the time and energy in summarizing, you have the chance to learn from it, and be better, find a way you can solve the problems you meet.
Some people are not capable of it, they are playing the game since beta, they are managed to get PvP Rank14 and they still lose to most opponents, and without the right attitude and self-criticism, they start to look for the excuses and problems in the other classes and the game. What I'm pointing out: you must force yourself (if it doesn't go by itself) to think over everything. Pay attention to all the fights you play in, to what your enemies do, when, why.
That's the key, and If you get that, the next step is the time. The more you invest, the better results you get. Be objective.
People use this word (balance) many times on forums, most of these times they claim that something is not matching that word. Also, a lot of players like to talk around about the World of Warcraft's 'Rock-Paper-Scissor' mechanism, like 'Mage beats Warrior, Warrior beats Rogue, Rogue beats Mage'. I hardly pretend that both of these are false.
It's not even possible to ask for some kind of a perfect harmony between the classes, hopefully I don't have to point the reasons. It been a very long time since something crossed the line so much that it made some aspects of the game unenjoyable. Today we have more matterful factors that classify the balance (like we have more abilities, new stat system, the Resilience, and so on) of the game, and in my view there's nothing that would need a radical change, otherwise it will continue ruining the game. Naturally there are some things that would require little changes. I've seen many good ideas that would bring some new colors to the gameplay (or into the Warrior class), some that would fix the current issues, and probably a few of them will have a place in the game in the future.
With this I meant that Warriors are balanced currently. The following thing I write doesn't shade my opinion of the 'Rock-Paper-Scissor' theory either. The whole thing is truly subjective, because even if I say that I do have a chance against any kind of enemies, you might say that I haven't faced opponents that were good enough - and to continue the line, I could ask something similar from you when you say you can't win against anyone. But just because there's someone who is satisfied with something, but the other 99.99% of the people not, it's not wise to make the decisions according to the first one. And that's what makes World Of Warcraft a great game in my eye, like all the time, with minor problematics, Blizzard could manage to keep things at the right side of the edge, everyone has their own chance to find the levels they enjoy the game on. What causing the problems then?
Many countless people don't have any idea about what level they play on. You can name these levels by any details of the game and the players; how well they can play ; how good their gear is ; talent specializations; dedication ; and the list goes on. Now, if you are playing PvP casually, you have only average gear for it, why would you want to win against someone that has the full gear, and far more experience than you in PvP? There are numberless opponents that would match your criteria better, therefor if you don't put the maximal effort in the thing you do, don't expect sucess without problems.
Why all of these things are important? Because apart from subjectivity, Warriors do stand a chance against any kind of opponents. Other opinions are based on skill-difference, gear-difference, and other things that builds PvP on the surface. Also, don't forget there are many differences between an average and average player, between good and good, also between the insane and insane. And that's the reason why the 'Rock-Paper-Scissor' fails in my mind, there are some classes that have minor (or not only minor) advantages against another, but the way these two players play the game is far more important in most cases. Basically we can stand proudly in every Arena team-bracket, though we have some limitations to what our partner has to be.
So what do we have to do to be viable in solo situations? What do we have to do to be useful in team fights? It's very simple, and insanely complicated at the same time - just as with other classes.
First of all, every class has their own feat to play defensively, to survive, to outlast the enemy, to delay time. A noticable difference with Warriors is that their survivality possibilities against spell casters aren't that strong. Defensive Stance's reduction to the incoming damage is an important bonus here, also wielding a shield to be able to use Spell Reflection as the Cooldown lets you, and interrupt the opponent's spell with Shield Bash instead of Pummel just to win minimal time. That's about it against casters. Against other melees, more advantages come from using a shield, like the higher armor, the chance to block (and Shield Block ability) and using the damage-decreasing debuffs upon them repeatedly. These are very shortly our feats to play in a defensive style.
So we are flexible to change playstyles quickly on the battlefield. Apart from the defensiveness, our main role in PvP is to deal damage. We are there because our damage output is constant, we aren't depending on long Cooldowns. Truly in group situations our power shows off far better if we have someone to assist us (with dispells, heals, and so on). Our job is to keep the pressure upon the opponents, keep up the important debuffs, sometimes on more targets. For sure, Mortal Strike is the most important of them, it's not only one of our best damaging abilities, but it reduces the heal effects upon the enemy by 50%, and it's possible to have this debuff up all the time - true, you need to manage your Rage wisely to be able to do that while also taking care of your other roles.
The way a Warrior controls his Rage shows how good he is (at some points), we are the only class that has to act depending on that all the time interactively - it's also makes our job harder and easier at the same time. It's harder, because when we need to make decisions quickly, a committed mistake with Rage control can mean an important debuff's wearing off, the missing and required damage what we could put on with the right Rage management. Other classes with Mana / Energy at situations they need to decide fast have the advantage if they want to do something, they can. Possibly in an overall look it wasn't Mana-efficient, but in the moment they needed to do something, they had the possibility - while we, Warriors have to always be prepared and control our power according to that, to be able to act when needed. Very simply, it's easier for us is the fact we never run out of Rage (just as Rogues' Energy), so we have to be thoughtful for the current and the close following actions, while Mana users have to watch and work with their Mana counting with long fights.
You can often hear that we, Warriors are the most gear-depending class in the game. Therefor, achieving and managing your gear is the part of being competetive in PvP.
The fact is, you can learn to play with a Warrior quite fast, but that's only enough to have some fun for the same level you play on. But if you provide some dedication, and start to work on getting better, you'll see that Warriors do have abilities that can be used in wrong and good ways, even if the difference is hardly noticable, it's there, and it's important.
Fury- Fury represents 3/4 of the high rated warriors right now. It's high damage and scaling with PvE gear is what makes this a strong spec. The main spec right now is 18/53/0. All three are equally represented among fury warriors. There are three main variations of this spec:
Variation #1
Variation #2
Variation #3
Arms- This spec represents around 1/4 of the current high rated warriors. Is doesn't seem to scale as well as fury so it has grown less popular.
Arms Weapon Specs
Axes- Players have done extensive testing and axes has come out on top.
World of Warcraft Arena Ranking | SK Gaming
Common 2k Viable Arena Set-Ups
Sorry for the lack of spec info, but SK stopped showing spec info for specific comps.
  • Warrior/ Holy Paladin

  • Warrior/ Death Knight/ Holy Paladin

  • Warrior/ Paladin/ Priest/ Death Knight/ Mage
  • Warrior/ Paladin/ Priest/ Shaman/ Mage
  • Warrior/ Paladin/ Death Knight/ Shaman/ Mage
  • Warrior/ Paladin/ Priest/ Shaman/ Druid
Gear To Aim For
This is the set that you should be going for, obviously try to get the best you can:
Helm: Crafted/Savage/ Hateful/ Deadly
Neck: Hateful/ Deadly
Shoudlers: Crafted/Savage/ Hateful/ Deadly
Cloak: Hateful/ Deadly
Chest: Crafted/Savage/ Hateful/ Deadly
Wrist: Crafted/ Hateful/ Deadly
Hands: Crafted/Savage/ Hateful/ Deadly
Waist: Crafted/ Hateful/ Deadly
Legs: Crafted/Savage/ Hateful/ Deadly
Feet: Crafted/ Hateful/ Deadly
Ring1: Hateful/ Deadly
Ring2: Hateful/ Deadly
Trinket1: Medallion of the Alliance/ Horde
Trinket2: Battlemaster's Hostility/ Conviction/ Accuracy
Thrown: Deadly
2 Hander: Deadly
1 Hander: Deadly
Shield: Deadly
Some warriors add in other items from PvE (At higher gear levels), but this is generally what you should be aiming for. With the current state of arenas, having as much raiding epics as possible is a good thing.
This is what your stats will be like with full PvP gear fully enchanted/socketed.
  • Health-
  • Attack Power-
  • Hit Rating- You will need to get 164(5%) hit rating to be capped for Arms PvP. To achieve this you will probably have to get the 'Victory' items instead of the 'Triumph' items. You can also substitute PvE gear or hit gems to reach the cap if you have to. For Fury you need 5% hit subtract precision (1/2/3%) according to how many points you put into it. So if you have 3 points in precision, you only need 2% hit. You probably won't need to get 'Victory' items to achieve this.
See full list on worldofwargraphs.com
  • Armor Penetration-
  • Critical Strike-
  • Expertise-
  • Resilience-
Helm: Arcanum of Torment/ Arcanum of Triumph
Shoudlers: Greater Inscription of the Axe/ Inscription of Triumph
Cloak: Major Agility
Chest: Powerful Stats/ Exceptional Resilience
Wrist: Greater Assault
Hands: Crusher
Waist: Eternal Belt Buckle
Legs: Icescale Leg Armor
Feet: Tuskarr's Vitality (if no run speed in meta)/ Icewalker
Rings: Assault
2 Hander: Titanium Weapon Chain/ Massacre
Common Metas:
Swift Skyflare Diamond - Item - World of Warcraft
Chaotic Skyflare Diamond - Item - World of Warcraft (Need Run Speed Boot Enchant)
Less Common Metas (Need Run Speed Boot Enchant)
Destructive Skyflare Diamond - Item - World of Warcraft
Effulgent Skyflare Diamond - Item - World of Warcraft
Enigmatic Skyflare Diamond - Item - World of Warcraft
Persistent Earthsiege Diamond - Item - World of Warcraft
Powerful Earthsiege Diamond - Item - World of Warcraft
Bold Scarlet Ruby - Item - World of Warcraft
Smooth Autumn's Glow - Item - World of Warcraft
Rigid Autumn's Glow - Item - World of Warcraft
Inscribed Monarch Topaz - Item - World of Warcraft
Etched Monarch Topaz - Item - World of Warcraft
Sovereign Twilight Opal - Item - World of Warcraft
Jagged Forest Emerald - Item - World of Warcraft
Vivid Forest Emerald - Item - World of Warcraft
Glyph of Hamstring - Item - World of Warcraft
Glyph of Execution - Item - World of Warcraft
Glyph of Intervene - Item - World of Warcraft
Glyph of Mortal Strike - Item - World of Warcraft
Glyph of Whirlwind - Item - World of Warcraft (Fury)
Glyph of Bloodthirst - Item - World of Warcraft (Fury)
Less Common
Glyph of Overpower - Item - World of Warcraft
Glyph of Sweeping Strikes - Item - World of Warcraft
Glyph of Battle - Item - World of Warcraft
Glyph of Bloodrage - Item - World of Warcraft
Glyph of Charge - Item - World of Warcraft
Choosing Your Race
I'll try to list the warrior benefits for each race.
Dwarf- Stoneform, Frost Resistance, and Mace Specialization.
Gnome- Escape Artist and Arcane Resistance.
Human- Sword Specialization, Mace Specialization, Perception, and Every Man For Himself.
Night Elf- Shadow Meld, Nature Resistance, and Quickness.
Draenei- Heroic Presence, Shadow Resistance, and Gift of the Naruu.
Orc- Hardiness, Blood Fury, and Axe Specialization.
Tauren- War Stomp, Nature Resistance, and Endurance.
Troll- Regeneration, Da Voodoo Shuffle, and Berserking.
Undead- Will of the Forsaken, Shadow Resistance, and Cannibalize.
Choosing Your Professions
I'm going to list the direct benefits from using each profession.
Blacksmithing- Allows you to add sockets to your bracers and gloves. This can only be used by blacksmiths and cannot be done to other player's armor. You can also make a belt buckle that adds a socket to your belt. This is purchasable by other players, much like leatherwork leg enchants. You can also craft the entry level PvP gear(BoE non-set blues).
Enchanting- As in TBC, enchanting allows you to enchant your own rings with special enchants. You can add 32 attack power or 24 stamina to each of your rings.
Engineering- You can craft the epic craftable helm if you didn't get a better PvP or PvE helm. You can make a BoP trinket and put a nice enchant on your gloves.
Jewelcrafting- You can craft epic quality BOP gems for use in your gear sets. These gems are slightly better than their BOE counterparts. You can also craft BOP trinkets with unique uses.
Leatherworking- Allows you to use fur lining on your bracers, enchanting them with very power bonuses.
Tailoring- Ability to enchant your own cloak with a powerful enchant.
Herbalism- Gives you a heal over time effect.
Inscription- Ability to craft BoP shoulder enchants that are better than the normal ones.
Mining- Increases your maximum health.
Skinning- Increases your critical strike rating.
Spell Reflect:
#showtooltip Spell Reflection
/cast [stance:1/2,equipped:Shields] Spell Reflection; [stance:3] Defensive Stance
/equip [modifier:ctrl] De-raged Waraxe
/equip Bulwark of the tormented god
/equipslot 16 crescent of brooding fury
Just replace the weapon/shield names with the ones you use and it should be good to go.
Pummel/Shield Bash:
#showtooltip Pummel
/cast [equipped:Shields, stance:1/2] Shield Bash; [noequipped:Shields, stance:1/2] Berserker Stance; [stance: 3] Pummel
This pummels if you have a 2 hander, and switches to zerker stance if you're not already in it. But if you have a shield on it will shield bash.
Intercept Focus:
#showtooltip intercept
/cast berserker stance
/cast [target=focus] intercept
You should be using focus target. This intercepts your focus target when you need to interrupt a cast.
#showtooltip Rend
/cast [stance:1/2] Rend; [stance:3] Battle Stance
This will perform rend if you are in battle or defensive stance and will switch you to battle stance if you are in berserker stance.
Shield Wall:
#showtooltip Shield Wall
/cast [stance:2,equipped:Shields] Shield Wall; [stance:1/3] Defensive Stance
/equip [modifier:ctrl] De-raged Waraxe
/equip Bulwark of the tormented god
/equipslot 16 crescent of brooding fury
This will equip your shield and cast shield wall. Replace the weapon/shield names with your own.
Shield Slam:
#showtooltip Shield Slam
/cast [equipped:Shields] Shield Slam
/equip [modifier:ctrl] De-raged Waraxe
/equip Bulwark of the tormented god
/equipslot 16 crescent of brooding fury
This will equip your 1 hander and shield and cast shield slam. Replace the weapon/shield names with your own.
Thunder Clap:
#showtooltip thunder clap
/cast [stance:1/2] thunder clap; [stance:3] battle stance
This will cast thunder clap if you're in battle or defensive stance. If you are in berserker stance, it will cast battle stance.
Other macro's I use:
I use macro's to make stance switching easier. Basically I have a macro for every spell that is single stance specific.
#showtooltip Charge
/cast battle stance
/cast charge
#showtooltip Disarm
/cast defensive stance
/cast disarm
#showtooltip Intercept
/cast berserker stance
/cast intercept
#showtooltip Intervene
/cast defensive stance
/cast intervene
#showtooltip Mocking Blow
/cast battle stance
/cast mocking blow
#showtooltip Overpower
/cast battle stance
/cast overpower
#showtooltip Recklessness
/cast Berserker Stance
/cast Recklessness
#showtooltip Retaliation
/cast Battle Stance
/cast Retaliation
#showtooltip revenge
/cast defensive stance
/cast revenge
#showtooltip Taunt
/cast defensive stance
/cast taunt
#showtooltip Whirlwind
/cast Berserker Stance
/cast Whirlwind
This helps saving keybind space as well as time. If you're in the stance it works just like your spell, but if you're not in that stance it functions as your stance button. With '#showtooltip' macros make sure you select the '?' as your icon.
Fury Specific
Since Fury uses 2 two handers, the shield related macros are different.
Spell Reflection:
#showtooltip Spell Reflection
/cast [stance:1/2,equipped:Shields] Spell Reflection; [stance:3] Defensive Stance
/equipslot [modifier:ctrl] 17 Your Offhand Weapon
/equip Bulwark of the tormented god
Shield Wall:
#showtooltip Shield Wall
/cast [stance:2,equipped:Shields] Shield Wall; [stance:1/3] Defensive Stance
/equipslot [modifier:ctrl] 17 Your Offhand Weapon
/equip Bulwark of the tormented god
Shield Slam:
#showtooltip Shield Slam
/cast [equipped:Shields] Shield Slam
/equipslot [modifier:ctrl] 17 Your Offhand Weapon
/equip Bulwark of the tormented god
Everyone's is different. This is what my UI looks like:
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1680x1050.

This is running the test function of the addons so you can see where everything would be in an arena situation.
I've uploaded my UI to Wowinterface for anyone who is interested:
BW UI : WoWInterface Downloads : Generic Compilations
Home | pvptutorial.com - This guide explains how to create a PvP UI through video tutorials.

Warrior PvP Transmog Sets - World Of Warcraft

When you download addons, make sure they are up to date(with the current patch), because if they aren't you will run into too many errors.
To quote Pharaunmizz:
Never underestimate the power of having more space and less clutter. PvP is pretty dynamic, so being able to see clearly can seriously help you out. Don't bother using Addons if they aren't doing anything for you. Periodically evaluate each of your addons and see if they're actually worth their screen space.
You should design your UI using a minimalist design. Basically just show what you need to see and scale it down. A good way to save space in your UI is to go into your video options and click use UI scale. Tune it up and down until you think everything is just the right size.
Here is a list of wrath updated popular mods: Wrath Mod List (Read Before Asking For A Mod!)
Bloodthirst Addon for Fury
Slam Alert : WoWInterface Downloads : WarriorKeybinds
As Kazaganthi put it:
There are a few basic things that you can do to immediately improve your play. First key bind everything. You must be able to use all of your abilities while watching what is happening in the battle. A clicker cannot do this effectively. You may be a good players as a clicker, but key binding will transform you into a pvp monster. You should also get familiar with turning using your mouse. This allows you to spin, run out and jump intercept, and all around be far more effective then wasd.
Everyone does what is comfortable to them, but this is the general idea:
W is forward
A is strafe Left
S is backwards
D is strafe right
Turn by holding down your right mouse button. It is far more efficient than keyboard turning.
Keybind abilities with similar functions close by.
Keybind abilities you use in succession to rows of keys.
For things used in combat make them close the WASD.
Instant and while moving, even closer to WASD.
Not so critical spells can be farther away.
Use shift/control/Alt as modifiers for keybinds to keep them near your movement base.
Leave nothing as a clicking ability.
Common keys are 1-5 QER`FT and then branch out from those .
I personally wouldn't use mouse wheel although some people do.
Some players have gaming mouses/ speed pads with extra keys on them, they usually bind things to those too.
I cannot stress how much using keybinds will improve your play. Even if you think you're a great clicker, you should make the switch.
These are my keybinds (to give you a general idea):
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1013x274.

Useful Guides for Keybinds:

See Full List On Worldofwargraphs.com

How you can become a Gladiator: Keybindings Part I - Elitist Jerks
Keybinds and YouUseful Links
Arena Junkies - World of Warcraft PvP Strategy and Discussion
[Warrior] PvP & Arena - Elitist Jerks